***** The story brought tears to my eyes so many times I had to take breaks before I could see to continue reading. I am a joyful, recovering alcoholic. In the course of my recovery adventure I have contemplated many philosophical concepts and considered a variety of perspectives regarding mass, energy and god (lowercase “g”). This book while telling an intriguing story also touches on potential realties as yet unexplored, assuming they could ever be at all. 5.0 out of 5 stars Patrick – Amazon – July 6, 2020
***** Threshold The best kind of science fiction, this takes you on ride to ask questions, to think & wonder. Judy Kastner – Google Play – July 6, 2020
***** Threshold is an amazing book! Lkaterie Neal – Google Play – July 1, 2020
***** An engrossing story set in 2040 when the race to create Super Intelligent Artificial Intelligence is keeping the brilliant minds of the world on their toes. A fascinating world where the Stream gives people their every experience without leaving home. Thrills at every turn, Kip Wilde is willing to do all he can to cure his daughter Becca of ALS. Kept me up all night reading, reading and still reading until I could no longer keep my eyes open! Excellent world building and language creation…
5.0 out of 5 stars Jeannette A.0 SIAI – Amazon – June 17, 2020
***** THIS is not an easy read. If you start it, make sure you can dedicate time for it. Because it’s the coolest damn thing I have read in… years.. Makes what is happening now, just a small glitch in time..
5.0 out of 5 stars Cindy – Whew. Amazon – June 17, 2020
***** BEST Science Fiction Novel of 2020! I can imagine Hollywood Directors clawing at each other to make this novel into a film! It’s that good. If you are a Sci-fi fan like me, don’t miss out on this. It keeps you captivated the entire time and pulls you into the universe every page. If this book becomes a Movie, I will absolutely be buying the first ticket. New favorite author!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Dominic M. – Amazon – June 18, 2020
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